Friday, February 8, 2008

Fairy Tale Night

Friday, February 8th
7 pm SLT

Unleash your inner princess/fairy, wizard, unicorn, or wicked witch for Fairy Tale night at Le Cimetiere! Spring forth from a book of fairy tales, and be your favorite archetype for a night! DJ Emi will enchant us with musical magic, and the contest boards & raffle ball will be ready to bestow gifts! Just watch out for boggarts on your way through the wilds...

Theme: Fairy Tale
Fairy tale characters... princess/prince, fairy/goblin, unicorn/dragon, wizard/witch, Hansel/Gretel, etc.

---- >> Photo album of this event! << ----

Contest Winner: Best Male: Feri Beckenbauer, Best Female: Aricelli Valencia ($300L)
Raffle Winner:
HeatherL Martinsyde (AVZ prize token)

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